Gwen’s Seven Sensible Rules for Essential Oil Safety
This article wraps up our series on how to use essential oils safely. To begin this series, I outlined why I am so concerned about the misinformation on the use of essential oils that is so prevalent in our internet age and what you must know. In part two, I talked about eye safety and also the use of essential oils in pregnancy.
In this article, we’ll wrap up with general safety considerations and I’ll give you my Seven Sensible Rules for Essential Oil Safety. Following these guidelines will keep you and your family safe.
One – Do not use undiluted essential oils on the skin. As we discussed previously, skin sensitization and/or irritation can occur. Also avoid the prolonged use of the same essential oils over a period of time.
Two – Do not use a photosensitizing essential oil before going out into the sun or using a tanning booth, as skin damage can occur. Also, if you have used one of these photosensitizing oils, avoid UV light exposure for 24 hours after using the oil.
Three – Do not use essential oils internally. This is a potentially dangerous practice, even though I see it recommended quite frequently on the internet.
Four – Keep your essential oils away from your eyes. Serious eye damage can occur, including blindness, from the direct use of essential oils in the eyes.
Five – Make sure the room in which you use your essential oils is well ventilated. These oils are very flammable and should be kept well away from open flames like candles or gas burners.
Six – Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant without consultation from a professional aromatherapist AND your licensed medical provider.
Seven – Keep your essential oils well out of reach of children or pets. Children are naturally curious and may be tempted to drink the oils or rub them on their skin or get them into their eyes.
Eight (Bonus) – If you are unsure whether to use a particular essential oil for a situation, consult with your professional aromatherapist for advice.
Don’t let these ‘rules’ deter you from experimenting and having fun! Essential oils are very safe when used properly. Just remember to take what you read about essential oils with a big ‘grain of salt.’ Make sure you are getting your information from a reputable source.
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